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Showing posts from January, 2016

Heavy fog in Nicosia

Yesterday night i went to the kitchen for some water. I saw the light outside and it was... cloudy or something like that. I went to the balcony and i realized that we had a heavy fog in our neighbor. I grab my camera and took some photos: Heavy fog in Nicosia, Cyprus. Photo from Larnakos street. Photo of   Photo from Larnakos street without the fog for comparison. Heavy fog in Nicosia, Cyprus. Photo from Larnakos street. Photo of   Photo from Larnakos street without the fog for comparison.

Rawtherapee interface complexity

Most of my time i 'm using the RawTherapee conversion tool to convert from RAW photos produced from my Nikon D3200 to jpg. RawTherapee is a cross-platform and it is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3 from January 2010. During the years the application attracted many programmers and photographers. It is really a powerful tool, how something it started to bothering me after checked the latest version. First lets see what Lightroom offers to the photographer: Lightroom toolbar, screenshot taken from Lightroom Fanatic. There are some interesting names that needs more explaining, such as how the shadows and highlights bars work or what is clarity, but nothing extreme complicated. Now lets see what RawTherapee offers: Toolbar of RawTherapee for the Exposure settings. This is the first thing that the user edits. It offers an "Auto Levels" that automatic expands the histogram based on the % of clipped pixels. And then there are bars, a lot of b...