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Showing posts from December, 2017

Books for software developers professionals

As a software developer you expected to write some code. The difference between a good and mediocre developer is a combination of knowledge and skills. I compiled a list of books that are necessary to all the developers. At the very early stage of the career, the developer should learn the basics: how to structure his code, how to write small functions, what is desirable and what is not. I can suggest two books for people starting in software development: "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" from Steve McConnell and "Clean code" by Robert C. Martin. The first one presents the basic rules on how to write good code, and the second one explores in greater depth the best practices for writing good code. A also strongly suggest to learn about the design patterns that exists in the software development. There are two well known books, the Design patterns : elements of reusable object-oriented software by the gang of four (Erich Gamma,...