When someone buys a new telescope his first question is what i can see with it. The second is what is the highest zoom i can achieve. Although the maximum zoom can be an attractive measurement when buying a new telescope, the buyer should focus on the aperture size: how much light i can gather? This is the main difference from theoretical to practical highest zoom. So, what can you expect to see with this telescope? During the tests i did, the average seeing conditions with medium-low light pollution. These two factors can really improve your experience or.. to destroy it. In my place i would categorize the light pollution in class 5, based on Bortle 's scale . I also tried to improve the lenses by blackening the edges, as i described in earlier post . A quick note here before discussing my personal views on the topic. Planets and stars have different brightness that we call it apparent magnitude . Lower the number is, brighter the stellar object is. The practical limit of...